Offerings, by checks, can be mailed to the NC WELCA Treasurer, Debra Weinel, 1612 Sherburg Court, Raleigh, NC 27606. Please use Offering Form A, you find this under Forms.
The Justice Committee in action
The Justice Committee met at Committee Day II in January. Please read the following report and join us in supporting education. Letters to send to your representatives are linked below.
Report : Here are a few notes for us to consider in this Justice Committee meeting: In my opinion Justice is a difficult committee to be a member of as Justice is subjective to the member who participates and it may be difficult to “extend” ones passions or grievances on to paper or physical action regardless of the subject. Of course, we, in this committee hope to remain in the “Lutheran and Christian mindset” to allow for respect to our committee’s and the members of the body we address, whether it is by letter writing, personal meetings, or some other action deemed necessary to draw attention or action to a particular mission.
For the state of North Carolina, the first session of the 2025-2026 General Assembly: House of Representatives, Senate and General Legistrative branch meet Wednesday January 29th, 2025 at noon. You may access all governmental sessions streamed and or through the website.
The address for the General Assembly for this session is:
Legislation Building
16 West Jones Street
Raleigh NC 27601
You may also contact the information center from the State Board of Elections who maintains contact information for all meetings and each representative’s office address and phone number. I have included a list of Representatives, from the website, by county and districts. I hope this helps if you choose to reach out and contact any one of them for any cause that moves you.
If you go to the North Carolina dot Gov website you can access all meetings, committees, bills for review or vote and all information pertaining to the states business.
Because St. Mark’s is in Iredell county I chose to include information from NC Legislation Branch, Iredell County: our reps are: Todd Carver (R), Jeffrey C. McNeely (R) and Mitchell S. Setzer (R). Iredell’s Government office address is Iredell County Office, 300 N. Salisbury Street, Room 603, and Raleigh NC 27063-5925. Their phone is 919-733-5741. Similar information can be retrieved from the website as well for each county.
I am enclosing several samples for writing to our representatives. You may paraphrase and copy as written. We will discuss topics and or causes to highlight this year in Justice. Thank you for participation in the committee and I hope you grow in your passions and involvement in any cause you desire.
12th Triennial Convention and Just Love Gathering
Seven delegates from North Carolina attended the 2023 Triennial Gathering Just Love in Phoenix, Arizona. Thank you to Debra Weinel, Jane Cadwallader, Lisa Philbeck, Maxine Amos, Susan Harris, Tamarah Hefner, and Terri Brown.
1100 women attended the conference from all over the United States including Puerto Rico! The choir was amazing, we all enjoyed it.

Past Meetings