Women Walk Boldly
We are Empowered
Empowered by grace from Jesus Christ, the North Carolina Women of the ELCA walk boldly in faith. Daily we take up the cross to serve others and to witness in our community and the world. The love and power of that faith flows through us and out to all those we encounter, especially those in need. We are women of all ages, with varying gifts and callings. We walk together, some leaning and some bearing another’s burdens. We are a bold sisterhood of faith!
NC Women of the ELCA Annual Gathering
Reflections on the NC Women of the ELCA Annual Gathering 2024
The 2024 Annual Gathering of the NC Women of the ELCA was held in June at Lenoir-Rhyne University. Although smaller than pre-COVID Gatherings, it was wonderful. Read one attendees reflection here and see the photos below. I hope you will join us for the next Annual Gathering on June 20-22, 2025.
Photos from the Annual Gathering 2024
Twelfth Triennial Convention
The next Triennial is in Des Moines, Iowa on July 16-19, 2026! Come see amazing speakers and fantastic Bible studies.
Committee Day 2
Committee Day 2 will be held in January 2025. Check back here for date and location.
Committee Day 1
Committee Day 1 will be held at First Lutheran Church, Albemarle in August 2024.
Fall Retreat
The Fall Retreat is September 27-September 29 at the Blowing Rock Retreat Center in Blowing Rock, NC. Reserve your space now! Registration closes September 1.
Spring 1-Day Retreat -"Kaleidoscope of Caring"
The Spring 1-Day Retreat was in February. Here are some pictures of the fun.
Spring Retreat -"A Women's Clothing Can Change the World"
The Spring Retreat is March 1-3, 2024 at the South Carolina's Coastal Lutheran Retreat Center in Isle of Palms, SC.
It's not too late! You can still attend this wonderful retreat by contacting Karen Overcash at 704-431-9994 or karenfo1953@gmail.com. 2024 Spring Retreat Brochure
Fall Conference Gathering
Fall conference Gatherings are in October and November 2024. If you would like to host a Conference Gathering at your church, please contact your Board liaison or Lorri Monterose. The program will be provided and we hope you will host the Lutheran women in your conference and their friends at the Gathering in your church. The host church may choose the date.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Spring Conference Gathering
We are excited to invite you to our upcoming Spring Conference Gathering. The dates for the event are yet to be determined by the church hosts. If you're interested in hosting The Spring Gathering in 2024, we would love to hear from you. The program will be provided for the event. To express your interest in hosting the Spring Gathering, please get in touch with your Board Liaison or Lorri Monterose. You can also reach out to us by using the "Contact Us" button above. We look forward to hearing from you!